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The clock is ticking, the pressure is building, not only do you need to work hard but also show results. The competition never gets less, and the stress only doubles as you grow older. So what do you do?
Here are a few tips to beat the anxiety this summer!
1. Talk to people:
The most important thing is to find a support system that helps you grow. They could be your parents, teachers or friends, or anyone else you feel will give you constructive criticism when needed and at other times will give you that pep talk that will motivate you. Teachers in school or classes know you as a person as well as your academic strengths and area of development and so can show you the gaps you need to cover and well as celebrate what you are amazing at. There is no shame in admitting you are not in the best mental state and need help. It is a normal thing that most people go through.
2. Find your stress buster
All work and no play…well you know how that one goes. Your mind requires a break at regular intervals, and not one that leaves you overthinking. The best thing to do is find a form of physical activity that you enjoy to release the stress. Even something as simple as playing some loud music and dancing can help take out any anxiety you face.
3. Listen to your body.
Sound body and sound mind is the key to happy and healthy life. Studying 20 hours a day won’t help you in the long run, but a good 8 hours a night of sleep definitely will. Studies prove that students academic performance is directly related to their routine of eating and sleeping. If you feel tired or mentally exhausted, take the break, whereas if you think you can push yourself, go for it. Nobody knows your body and self better for you. Don’t plan your life according to what anyone else says, just like we all have different personalities, we also have different learning styles. Figure out what you need to succeed.
4. Be practical
At the end of the day, your mental health lies in your hands alone. Obviously external help may make it easier but in the end it’s up to you to strike a balance in your mind. One of the easiest things to do is every time you are stressed think about how this will affect you in 10 years. Are these scores and examinations what define you as a person or what your success will be? They definitely will aid you and make things easier but it is not the end of your world if things don’t go exactly as planned.
However, mental and physical health is thin ice, once the downward spiral begins it’s hard to pull yourself out of it. Success is not measured by the wit of a person, but by the way in which he uses it.
Have a productive summer!